Purpose Wrestling launches VOD via Patreon

The first feature on this page will be our latest show Fix Up Look Sharp! Edited in full and available immediately!

Support Purpose Wrestling on Patreon

It’s been a wild ride for us here at Purpose. We started at a time when we were unsure of what the future would hold, and we are so happy and proud that we were able to establish Purpose as a staple in the London and U.K. wrestling scene.

We couldn’t do it without the support of all of you, our fans! We are very grateful for everyone that ever bought a ticket or showed interest in Purpose Wrestling.

This support even goes as far as plenty of you giving us donations and have shown interest in supporting Purpose Wrestling further. We took your suggestions under consideration and have created a Patreon page!

We believe that at the current stage of Purpose Wrestling, Patreon is the best platform for us to grow further. We are excited with the opportunities it brings and what we will create together! The first perk of becoming a patron is having access the VOD of Fix Up Look Sharp, in full as it was on the night. This is available now for all patrons.

By signing up to Purpose Wrestling on Patreon, you are helping us with the development and growth of Purpose Wrestling. To show our gratitude, we are happy to offer exclusive perks like early releases of VOD of matches and shows, access to the ticket pre-sales and exclusive content that won’t be released anywhere else.

Up until this point, we have released all our events on our YouTube channel. This will continue in the future: all matches from Fix Up Look Sharp will eventually be individually released on our YouTube channel, regularly and up until our next event.

Thank you all for your support in this journey so far. We’re looking forward to seeing you all on Friday, 8 April for Into The Light, where we will have three Quarter-final Matches in the Purpose Wrestling Championship Tournament!